About the creators

I wanted to take a moment and thank all of the people that have allowed me to share their work. All of the postings have the links to the original posting - click on the name of their site. If you find something that you really enjoy please take a minute to go to their site and leave them some love!! Without them, without their permission this would not exist. I try not to get to many from one person - unless what they have is so unique. I do not get anything in return from them...but let them know you found them here with me Jackie at Glitter Fantasies.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Twisted Ribbon Flowers

I had seen one of these on a card and thought it was so cute. I found a tutorial and was given permission to share this. Hope you enjoy these I know I cannot wait to make some. I am going to make myself a nice selection to keep on hand. Helen from Scrap-A-Little made this tutorial, I thought this was the best one I had found and very easy to follow. Here is the link to the original post and she makes tutorials every month along with sketches, so head on over and check it out http://www.scrap-a-little.com/2009/07/tutorial-for-ribbon-roses.html.

Tutorial for ribbon roses

Here is finally the promised tutorial for these cute ribbon roses. All you need is ribbon,craft glue and some scissors.

I never measure anything; but take two pieces of ribbon about 4" long. They can be the same or different colors. I chose two different here so that it would be easier to see.

Add some glue in one end and put the ribbons on top of each other.
Fold the edges over like shown;

Then starts the tricky part. You really need both hands to do this, but since I had to take a picture too, I'm just using one.
Roll up from the folded side about three times.
Then twist the ribbons as you continue to roll it up. The twisting is what gives the rose the volume. If you use two colors, make sure that you alternate between the colors facing up.

Every time I do these they turn out a little bit different.
Experiment with the twisting. Twist more and less and inward and outward. The most important thing is that you always have a so called folded side facing up. Not the actual edge of the ribbon.
I'm really not good with words and explaining, but I hope you can tell from the photos what I mean.
Add glue at the end of the ribbons and tuck them underneath the rose. Then trim the ribbons sticking out.

Hopefully you will have something looking like this now.
( These are NOT my favorite colors at all, but since I don't have my stuff yet, I was limited with what they sold on the Base here )

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