I have been checking out Cindy's blog which is http://creativepointe.blogspot.com/ , you really need to check out her blog she does a number of techniques I know I would like to try. She has a lot of really great ideas but this one really caught my attention and how cute is it!! I have used Mode Podge a few times but I really love the results from using this one Dimensional Magic. I cannot wait to find it and try making my own bottlecaps...LOL to think of all the bottle caps we use to toss out when we were younger...do they even make them on soda bottles anymore?? I just loved this idea and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did...as always here is link back to original tutorial http://creativepointe.blogspot.com/2011/02/technique-embellishments-with.html.
And here it is...bottle caps embellishments!!
First let me show you what she did with it..gotta love this tag!!!
1. Using a 1-inch circle paper punch, punch out your design. I stamped the "Life" on regular cardstock with waterproof ink. You could also use pre-printed artwork or stickers.
And here it is...bottle caps embellishments!!
First let me show you what she did with it..gotta love this tag!!!

2. Punch out three 1-inch cardboard circles. I used cereal boxes. Glue the three cardboard circles together and then glue your design to the top of those. Glue the entire stack in the bottlecap. I used regular paper glue to make the stack and hot glue to adhere the stack to the bottlecap. You could use more or less cardboard, depending on how deep you want your design in the bottlecap.
As I mentioned, it is very difficult to get any bubbles out so do all you can to not have any there in the first place. I found that if you do get bubbles, take a Q-tip or your finger and drag the bubble off to the side. You can't pop them with a pin or burst them by blowing on them.
Here are some things I've used Dimensional Magic on. The first piece I did was the upper right pendant. It filled in the pendant frame really nicely. I also created some plain circle embellishments. Dimensional Magic also makes a nice finish on domino pendants (A project for making these coming soon!).
how do u get ur mod podge to not make the colors bleed, cuz that is the only problem i have with it